© drawings provided by Anki
I have been an educator for nearly 20 years, teaching courses in data science, information systems, and educational technology. Prior to rejoining The University of Hong Kong, I gained extensive teaching experience at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and The Education University of Hong Kong. Outside of teaching, I am active in research and scholarly activities. My interests include knowledge management, social data science, and educational technology. I have published in academic journals such as the Journal of Knowledge Management, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Higher Education Quarterly, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, among others. I currently serve as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology Education, Associate Editor of the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Management.
【明報專訊】香港公共圖書館在9月29日起於港鐵中環站、九龍塘站及南昌站設置還書箱,方便市民歸還書籍。隨着圖書館服務愈來愈多元化,圖書館管理員的工作也不再只是蓋印和整理圖書。 圖書館管理是專門的學問,今回就由香港中文大學專業進修學院...
More...近年政府積極推動香港成為「智慧城市」,人工智能、大數據(Big Data)及雲端運算等,不但是資訊科技業界重要一環,更是發展智慧城市的必要技術,市場對相關專才求才若渴...
More...我非常感謝城大所給予的學習機會。在2012年文學碩士(工商數量分析)課程畢業後,我再進修四年後取得博士學位,現為大學講師。2019 年,我獲Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education頒發「Master Teacher of Honor」榮譽...